If you've ever wondered what is unique about the US, UK and Australia, but still ensure the quality of education, "Malta" is the right answer. This article will provide you with basic information about choosing to study in Malta.

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Brief introduction of Malta

Malta is an island nation located in southern Europe, in the Mediterranean Sea and about 80 km from Italy. This is one of the smallest countries in the world with only 316 square kilometers and a population of about 475,000.

The capital of Malta is called Valletta. In 2018, Valleta was selected by the European Union as the European Cultural Capital (Euroupean Capital of Culture). Not only in the European Union and Commonwealth, Malta is also a member of the European Higher Education Area.

The main languages ​​used in this country are Maltese, English and Italian.
Culture, people and life in Malta

Malta was dominated by many different peoples, including the French and British empires, so Malta's current culture is influenced by the many customs and traditions of many different countries. The country gained independence in 1974, and the currency circulated in Malta has been the euro since 2008.

In the weather, summer in Malta usually has a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius while winter temperatures rarely fall below 15 degrees Celsius. The weather in this country is generally warm throughout the year, so it suits International students cannot stand the harsh climate.

The gastronomic background in Malta has many similarities with Italy's neighboring island of Sicily, when all of the main ingredients are fruits, vegetables, pasta and especially seafood. Some traditional Maltese dishes include rabbit meat stew, fish cake, bragioli (mixed beef) and bigilla (minced bean). Malta-style snacks are pastizzi (pork pastry) and ħobż biż-żejt (vegetable bread).

As a Catholic country, the people of Malta are generally very generous.According to the Charities Aid Foundation in 2010, 83% of Malta residents regularly participate in volunteer activities.

Malta's education system

University of Malta is Malta's only multidisciplinary university, the rest of the major universities (colleges). Some of the specialist universities include Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology or the Institute of Tourism Studies. In particular, all Malta universities attend the Erasmus Mundus scholarship program, so you may consider studying in Malta through this scholarship path.

In addition to the regular universities, Malta also has many English training institutions for students who want to improve their English skills. Although most academic programs are taught in English, Malta students are still encouraged to learn more local languages ​​to communicate and integrate with people.

And yet, there are several branches of foreign universities in Malta , such as Middlesex from the UK located in the Pembroke area. Middlesex School has been in Malta since September 2013 with the main trainers of Business and Information Technology - Communications.

About the University of Malta

Within the limits of this article, we will introduce you to the typical university in Malta, University of Malta . Founded in 1769, this university has Bachelor, Master and Doctoral training programs. Msida's main campus is 6,000 square meters with a modern library system.

There are about 11,000 students, including 700 international students from more than 70 countries studying at 14 schools of the school: Arts;Environment; Dentistry; Economics, Management and Accounting;Education; Engineer; Health Science; Social network; The law;Communication and Knowledge Science; Pharmacy and Surgery; Science;Social Security and Theology. Besides, the school also has research centers and specialized institutes such as Aviation Technology, Sustainable Development and Climate Change, Tourism and Culture ...

Student visa in Malta

All students wishing to study in Malta must apply for a visa, including those from EU countries. If your program lasts more than three months, you will need to apply for a residence permit.

One of the most important requirements for you to be granted a visa to study in Malta is to have a return ticket or an equivalent amount in your account. In addition, you must prove you have the financial resources to live and study in Malta for at least a year. The basic study cost in Malta is 48 euros (about 1 million 260 thousand VND) per day, the cost is 17,520 euros (about 460 million VND) per year.